object DodaciListRpt_1: TDodaciListRpt Left = 275 Top = 172 Width = 836 Height = 729 Caption = 'Porovn�v�n�' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Scaled = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object QuickRep1: TQuickRep Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 794 Height = 1123 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False DataSet = ADODataSet1 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Functions.Strings = ( 'PAGENUMBER' 'COLUMNNUMBER' 'REPORTTITLE' 'BUSSKM' 'PRIVKM') Functions.DATA = ( '0' '0' #39#39 '0' '0') Options = [FirstPageHeader, LastPageFooter] Page.Columns = 1 Page.Orientation = poPortrait Page.PaperSize = A4 Page.Values = ( 100.000000000000000000 2970.000000000000000000 100.000000000000000000 2100.000000000000000000 100.000000000000000000 100.000000000000000000 0.000000000000000000) PrinterSettings.Copies = 1 PrinterSettings.Duplex = False PrinterSettings.FirstPage = 0 PrinterSettings.LastPage = 0 PrinterSettings.OutputBin = Auto PrintIfEmpty = True SnapToGrid = True Units = Native Zoom = 100 object QRBand1: TQRBand Left = 38 Top = 38 Width = 718 Height = 43 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False Size.Values = ( 113.770833333333300000 1899.708333333333000000) BandType = rbTitle object QRLabel2: TQRLabel Left = 0 Top = 8 Width = 54 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 0.000000000000000000 21.166666666666700000 142.875000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '[:Firma:]' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRShape1: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 27 Width = 716 Height = 3 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 7.937500000000000000 0.000000000000000000 71.437500000000000000 1894.416666666670000000) Pen.Color = clNavy Pen.Width = 3 Shape = qrsHorLine end object QRLabel1: TQRLabel Left = 617 Top = 8 Width = 98 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1632.479166666670000000 21.166666666666700000 259.291666666667000000) Alignment = taRightJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'V�dejka vzork�' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end end object QRGroup1: TQRGroup Left = 38 Top = 81 Width = 718 Height = 176 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = True Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False ParentFont = False Size.Values = ( 465.666666666666700000 1899.708333333333000000) Expression = 'ADODataSet1.roztrasy.klic' FooterBand = QRBand3 Master = QuickRep1 ReprintOnNewPage = False object QRShape2: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 350 Height = 97 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 256.645833333333000000 0.000000000000000000 0.000000000000000000 926.041666666667000000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape3: TQRShape Left = 368 Top = 0 Width = 350 Height = 97 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 256.645833333333000000 973.666666666667000000 0.000000000000000000 926.041666666667000000) Pen.Width = 2 Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRLabel3: TQRLabel Left = 2 Top = 2 Width = 52 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 5.291666666666670000 5.291666666666670000 137.583333333333000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Dodavatel:' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 8 end object QRLabel5: TQRLabel Left = 370 Top = 2 Width = 51 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 978.958333333333000000 5.291666666666670000 134.937500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Odb�ratel:' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 8 end object QRDBText7: TQRDBText Left = 392 Top = 24 Width = 31 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 1037.166666666670000000 63.500000000000000000 82.020833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'firma' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRDBText8: TQRDBText Left = 392 Top = 48 Width = 28 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 1037.166666666670000000 127.000000000000000000 74.083333333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'ulice' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRDBText10: TQRDBText Left = 392 Top = 72 Width = 22 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 1037.166666666670000000 190.500000000000000000 58.208333333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'psc' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRDBText11: TQRDBText Left = 480 Top = 72 Width = 33 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 1270.000000000000000000 190.500000000000000000 87.312500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'name' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel7: TQRLabel Left = 16 Top = 152 Width = 67 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 42.333333333333300000 402.166666666667000000 177.270833333333000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'N�zev zbo��' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel8: TQRLabel Left = 400 Top = 152 Width = 34 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 1058.333333333330000000 402.166666666667000000 89.958333333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Po�et' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel9: TQRLabel Left = 536 Top = 152 Width = 16 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 1418.166666666670000000 402.166666666667000000 42.333333333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Kg' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel10: TQRLabel Left = 640 Top = 152 Width = 36 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 1693.333333333330000000 402.166666666667000000 95.250000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Balen�' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel19: TQRLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 47 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 42.333333333333300000 63.500000000000000000 124.354166666667000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '[:Firma:]' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel20: TQRLabel Left = 16 Top = 48 Width = 43 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 42.333333333333300000 127.000000000000000000 113.770833333333000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '[:Ulice:]' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel21: TQRLabel Left = 16 Top = 72 Width = 39 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 42.333333333333300000 190.500000000000000000 103.187500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '[:PSC:]' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel22: TQRLabel Left = 80 Top = 72 Width = 45 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 211.666666666667000000 190.500000000000000000 119.062500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '[:Obec:]' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel23: TQRLabel Left = 16 Top = 104 Width = 63 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 42.333333333333300000 275.166666666667000000 166.687500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Vystaveno:' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRLabel24: TQRLabel Left = 16 Top = 128 Width = 80 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 42.333333333333300000 338.666666666667000000 211.666666666667000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '��slo dokladu:' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRDBText2: TQRDBText Left = 104 Top = 128 Width = 28 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 275.166666666667000000 338.666666666667000000 74.083333333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'cislo' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end object QRDBText1: TQRDBText Left = 104 Top = 104 Width = 64 Height = 16 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 42.333333333333300000 275.166666666667000000 275.166666666667000000 169.333333333333000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'datporizeni' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 9 end end object QRBand2: TQRBand Left = 38 Top = 257 Width = 718 Height = 18 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = True Frame.DrawRight = True Frame.Style = psDot AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False Size.Values = ( 47.625000000000000000 1899.708333333333000000) BandType = rbDetail object QRExpr1: TQRExpr Left = 360 Top = 0 Width = 306 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 952.500000000000000000 0.000000000000000000 809.625000000000000000) Alignment = taRightJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite ResetAfterPrint = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True Expression = 'DIV(ADODataSet1.mn ,ADODataSet1.baleno) + '#39' + '#39' ' FontSize = 10 end object QRExpr3: TQRExpr Left = 418 Top = 1 Width = 134 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1105.958333333330000000 2.645833333333330000 354.541666666667000000) Alignment = taRightJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Color = clWhite ParentFont = False ResetAfterPrint = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True Expression = 'ADODataSet1.g / 1000' FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText4: TQRDBText Left = 16 Top = 1 Width = 30 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 42.333333333333300000 2.645833333333330000 79.375000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'text1' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText5: TQRDBText Left = 368 Top = 1 Width = 66 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 973.666666666667000000 2.645833333333330000 174.625000000000000000) Alignment = taRightJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = ADODataSet1 DataField = 'mn' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRExpr2: TQRExpr Left = 664 Top = 0 Width = 527 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1756.833333333330000000 0.000000000000000000 1394.354166666670000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite ResetAfterPrint = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True Expression = ' ADODataSet1.mn - DIV(ADODataSet1.mn ,ADODataSet1.baleno) * ADOD' + 'ataSet1.baleno ' FontSize = 10 end end object QRBand3: TQRBand Left = 38 Top = 275 Width = 718 Height = 166 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = True Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False Size.Values = ( 439.208333333333400000 1899.708333333333000000) BandType = rbGroupFooter object QRExpr4: TQRExpr Left = 356 Top = 8 Width = 198 Height = 19 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 50.270833333333300000 941.916666666667000000 21.166666666666700000 523.875000000000000000) Alignment = taRightJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -15 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] Color = clWhite ParentFont = False ResetAfterPrint = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True Expression = 'SUM(ADODataSet1.g / 1000)' FontSize = 11 end object QRLabel4: TQRLabel Left = 98 Top = 96 Width = 46 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 259.291666666667000000 254.000000000000000000 121.708333333333000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Vystavil' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel6: TQRLabel Left = 557 Top = 96 Width = 43 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1473.729166666670000000 254.000000000000000000 113.770833333333000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'P�evzal' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel11: TQRLabel Left = 102 Top = 144 Width = 39 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 269.875000000000000000 381.000000000000000000 103.187500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Datum' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel12: TQRLabel Left = 559 Top = 144 Width = 39 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1479.020833333330000000 381.000000000000000000 103.187500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Datum' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel13: TQRLabel Left = 33 Top = 80 Width = 177 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 87.312500000000000000 211.666666666667000000 468.312500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '............................................' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel14: TQRLabel Left = 490 Top = 128 Width = 177 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1296.458333333330000000 338.666666666667000000 468.312500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '............................................' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel15: TQRLabel Left = 33 Top = 128 Width = 177 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 87.312500000000000000 338.666666666667000000 468.312500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '............................................' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel16: TQRLabel Left = 490 Top = 80 Width = 177 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1296.458333333330000000 211.666666666667000000 468.312500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '............................................' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel17: TQRLabel Left = 304 Top = 8 Width = 58 Height = 19 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 50.270833333333300000 804.333333333333000000 21.166666666666700000 153.458333333333000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Celkem:' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -15 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 11 end end object QRBand4: TQRBand Left = 38 Top = 441 Width = 718 Height = 32 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = True Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False Size.Values = ( 84.666666666666670000 1899.708333333333000000) BandType = rbPageFooter object QRLabel18: TQRLabel Left = 0 Top = 8 Width = 260 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 0.000000000000000000 21.166666666666700000 687.916666666667000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Vyti�t�no programem Dispatcher 3, HI Software s.r.o.' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 8 end object QRSysData1: TQRSysData Left = 616 Top = 8 Width = 105 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1629.833333333330000000 21.166666666666700000 277.812500000000000000) Alignment = taRightJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False Color = clWhite Data = qrsPageNumber Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Text = 'Strana' Transparent = False FontSize = 8 end end object T1: TQRLabel Left = 152 Top = 8 Width = 8 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 402.166666666667000000 21.166666666666700000 21.166666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '0' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object T2: TQRLabel Left = 192 Top = 8 Width = 8 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 508.000000000000000000 21.166666666666700000 21.166666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '0' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object T3: TQRLabel Left = 232 Top = 8 Width = 15 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 613.833333333333000000 21.166666666666700000 39.687500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '38' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object NTS: TQRLabel Left = 264 Top = 8 Width = 89 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 698.500000000000000000 21.166666666666700000 235.479166666667000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'V�dejka vzork�' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object idVerze: TQRLabel Left = 472 Top = 8 Width = 8 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1248.833333333330000000 21.166666666666700000 21.166666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '0' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object Agenda: TQRLabel Left = 504 Top = 8 Width = 8 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666700000 1333.500000000000000000 21.166666666666700000 21.166666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '2' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end end object DataSource1: TDataSource DataSet = ADODataSet1 Left = 24 Top = 16 end object ADODataSet1: TADODataSet CursorType = ctStatic CommandText = 'SELECT rozstop.klic , rozstop.iddoklad, rozstop.idadf, fa.klic,' + ' fa.cislo, fapol.idtrasa,fapol.text1, fapol.mn , fapol.g, firma.' + 'nazev, firma.ulice, firma.psc, firma.obec, adf.firma, adf.ulice,' + ' adf.psc, adf.obec, zbozi.nazev, zbozi.baleno FROM rozstop, fapo' + 'l, fa, firma, adf, zbozi WHERE (rozstop.klic = 1056) AND (rozsto' + 'p.iddoklad = fa.klic) AND (fa.klic = fapol.idfa) AND (adf.klic =' + ' rozstop.idadf) AND (zbozi.nazev = fapol.text1) ORDER BY fapol.t' + 'ext1, fapol.mn' Parameters = <> Left = 64 Top = 16 end end